Reading Supply is a writing and discussion platform. We aim to be the home for: essays, criticism, manifestos, fiction, diaries, scripts, blog posts and white papers. Want to explore Reading Supply? If you are on your desktop or laptop you can try the Tree Explorer. Want to create your own tree? Anyone on Reading Supply can create connections between posts, users, and archives. For example:
Mention a writer: @arcalinea @cindy @mathemakitten
Mention any archive: $rs-devlog $genesis
Or mention a post: &comparing-ipfs-and-dat
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A meditation on usability and plainness. Public vanity metrics do not exist. Writers come to write and share.
Writers control who has access to their writing. No popularity feeds or global search. All posts are encrypted.
An independently run business. We will not raise venture funds. We make the promise to never shut down.
A focus on conversations and annotations. Use the Tree Explorer to find linked posts, archives, and users.
Reading Supply is free to use with an access key.
Any member of the community can invite you. Free users will always get access to the majority of features.
Our attempt at a writing experience that focuses on plainness and utility.
Write private documents
Control who can see your writing
Use WYSIWYG hotkeys
Use markdown shortcuts
Preview your post as markdown for copying
Create components with React and Emotion
Reference other published posts, archives, and users in any post
Meaningful discussion is the best way to connect with other people on the internet.
Annotate any text on a published post and discuss it
Write temporary feedback on drafts before they are published
Have discussions in a familiar thread format with peers
Manage all discussions and notifications around your conversations
Respond to direct messages from your mobile device
Collaborators should be able to share and discuss writing together, publicly or privately.
Share a post feed with collaborators
Build a list of references with collaborators
Control who can see posts and who can contribute
A personal space where you can synthesize learnings.
Organize and reorder your posts in folders
Search through your library with paragraph highlights
Export your folders as archived markdown files to your computer
Manage your library from an API
Manage your library from your mobile device
Writers should be able to present their writing in a way that represents their beliefs. It should be easy to stay close with collaborators.
Pin or reorganize your posts, create a biography and signature
Receive updates from collaborators
Turn your Reading Supply profile into your personal website
Navigate a tree of posts, archives, and users that are connected by &, $, and @ mentions