seventy-three: like no time had passed

Friday March 17th, 2023, 8:25PM Honolulu, Hawai'i

Finally back home. I need to find time to write. Maybe after Recurse. Went to office hours today with MS. Sometimes the act of talking about a thing is enough to figure out the correct path. Expecting my last week at RC to be quiet with me programming alone on the things I like.

I am starting to think the most important thing in programming is regularly doing the thing that brings you the most joy. Because when I am enthusastic about something, anything, everything else around me that is difficult is a breeze. I suppose this "one for them, one for me" strategy has legs.

Being back in New York City was strange. My baby brother drove us into Manhattan because my cousin and my aunt needed to visit the Taiwan Embassy. The Taiwan Embassy is located right in the middle of Times Square. Denny and I, we lived in Times Square for about a month with two YC founders. We often ate at Wok to Wok because it was the only place open after work, other than pizza. We randomly drove into that intersection, the one with Wok to Wok and 2 Bros Pizza, W 35th and 5th Ave.

We lived all over in New York City. East Village, unknowingly next door to Emma Goldman's apartment. Then Park Slope with my high school friend and her partner. Then Times Square with two YC founders. Then Buschwick, with my cousin who was working for the company renting from a YC founder. Then landing in Williamsburg, living also YC founders.

Being back in New York City, it felt like no time had passed. As if I came back and things just started up as if I had never left. I do miss NYC, when I am there. But I don't miss it one bit when I am here.

Did I write code today? I'm not sure. Today I learned that you should not file your unemployment insurance claim from 10,000 feet in the sky because the office will use your IP address and think you have fled the state. So I had to go to the unemployment insurance claim office in person to show them my boarding passes, that I still live here.

This morning I experienced one of the worst calls ever. I feel like a dodged a bullet because it was a with a staff member from a company that had made me an offer to join last fall.

Realizing now that if the people around me do not value excellence in design, in code, in communication, I will have a hard time staying motivated and contributing to the work.

Not surprising I guess,


Published by cindy 2 years ago on Saturday the 18th of March 2023.

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