Fallen Angel & Society
Adobe Photoshop, September 2019
For the first project, I was asked to interpret the questions “What makes something digital?"
To me, digital means everlasting, manipulative, and low cost experimentation (non physical models).
As someone that appreciates analog and computational design, I wanted to comment on societies attitudes towards design, more specifically how society takes design for granted.
In this piece, I depicted a merge of classical art with modern day technologies.
At the time, Wellesley had a labour union strike, which was why I included the figure of a janitor on the edge and not payed attention to. Moreover, the “tourists” are faceless because our presence on the internet is mainly anonymous.
The physicality of the photoshop paint tool is akin to the original physicality of the brush strokes but not merely as refined or seem-less. Instead, this deliberate showing of marks only proves to emphasize that perhaps digital works may never be able to mount to physical pieces of art.
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