Bugs for jimmy


I should be able to paste a screenshot using Mac's cmd+shift+4 and then cmd+v.

markdown should just work. e.g. doing ```, hitting a new line, should enter into a text block. its inconsistent

highlighting text from the bottom of the page breaks, e.g.

lol all of my text here disappeared. thats a bug.

opening two browsers for editing the same post clashes and overwrites ❗️content. that's a bad bug :( it should warn and prompt on clashes to overwrite or update to latest version.

  1. add hotkeys for heading (e.g. ⌘ + 1 for h1, etc)

  2. list behavior breaks when you try to use a number in a heading

    1. e.g. below:

This is a heading

  1. this is me trying also write a heading with a number in it

  1. e.g. I want this line to say "3. text text"

  1. (new bug) I want markdown hotkeys, e.g. "### hi" creates an <h3>hi</h3>

  2. I want markdown actions for creating inline links, lists, line breaks, etc.

  3. http://hi.com should automagically create a link

  4. drag and drop images breaks, eg below

#1 jim (1)

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