[deprecated] my thing

[deprecated as of 20190630. the essence of the thing i share below is still true, but the words, they don't feel right any more. it feels like i created too much distance between myself and the thing i want. these words seem to skate the surface of (and not penetrate or touch the depths of) my experience and feelings.

my thing is healing and understanding ourselves, each other, and the world.

hippie (i.e. human) values and aims, but “rationalist” method(s) (comprehensive, with goal of full & total understanding).

figure out the thing. figure out how to get everyone the thing

[figure out = truth. epistemology, method, using the "mind"]

[the thing = beauty and goodness. the hippies had it figured out all along! well, some of the most important parts, anyways.]

[figure out how to get everyone the thing = ultimate goodness. will require plans, models, understanding the world, grand and not-so-grand action. "enlightenment is already here it's just not evenly distributed yet"]

➥   Jasmine Wang (jasminewang) started this thread 6 years ago 0 responses.

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