Day 101: Content Game

I'm at my 5th week of sending out Young Maker's weekly newsletter. Growth seems to be slowing down and that's to be expected. My only acquisition channels are limited to a few:

  • Twitter

  • Indie Hackers

  • Reddit

  • Direct

  • Telegram Groups

I might have already saturated these channels perhaps. I don't know for sure – I would love to know if there was a way to know though.

For a while, I've been seeing content marketing work for other content publishers.

Harry Dry has

Cedric has

I was surprised to see CommonCog's summary of Obviously Awesome when I googled for it today. It was even the 3rd search result!

While I was researching on Manuel Frigerio, my next edition's interview, I came across an article. Manuel wrote it to share about his experience in growing his product, ReferralHero. He mentions that paid ads weren't really working. But content marketing did. His team wrote consistently for years and the old articles still had search traffic.

Seeing that CommonCog summary and manuel's advice... things just clicked. I already knew I had to work on my content marketing. I just deferred it because I was unsure of whether it would work out. This is a common trap that makers face, but we shouldn't give in to it and procrastinate.

I'll work on it tomorrow. It's going to be simple fixes - cutting what I don't need and adding only the minimum things necessary for content marketing.

  • SEO attributes

  • Fix broken image uploads

  • Remove left filter pane (i'll add it back in later when there's more content. It's just not necessary now. Plus it's too bare with so little content)

  • Optimize images for SEO

  • Optimize for mobile

  • Add substack subscribe embed

  • Add sitemap.xml

I'll stick to this list and just submit to Google. Once all that's done, I can work on compounding activities like learning and applying SEO tactics.

We'll see how this works out!

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