books i read in 2021

  1. Farther Reaches of Human Nature by Abraham Maslow - peak/plateau experiences, transcenders vs self-actualizers

  2. Meanings of Life by Roy Baumeister - work was not always a primary value base

  3. The Precipice by Toby Ord - this is a dangerous time for humanity

  4. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - intergenerational pain body

  5. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss - radio DJ voice, mirroring

  6. Philosophy and Technology: Essays - people have been thinking about the tension between rationality and spirituality for a long time, and the problems in philosophy of technology are very old

  7. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

  8. The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron - morning pages, artist's date, dream of what you want and write it out

  9. Normal People by Sally Rooney - tension and resolution, a wonderful depiction of a woman

  10. Tuesdays with Morrie - to give is to come alive

  11. Soft Science by Franny Choi

  12. The Defining Decade by Meg Jay - identity capital

  13. How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell - what a tremendous book, a weaving together of different thoughts and authors I've read in the past. the value of deep attention and listening and being as a an act of resistance-in-place. I'm inspired.

  14. Women by Charles Bukowski - wow, what a different life than my own, one that I can't even imagine living

  15. Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good by adrienne maree brown - a very different take on pleasure and sexuality than Women

  16. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott - so beautiful! very much the thing i was hoping for in picking up a writing book.

  17. An Unquiet Mind

  18. Yayoi Kusama

  19. The Center Cannot Hold

  20. Braiding Sweetgrass

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