frames, no models

i prefer frames over models.

in modal logic, a frame is just a set of primitives + accessibility relations (ie. specific sets of things you can see from your base world); a model is a frame with value assignments over those primitives. i prefer value-free; the freedom to do my own value-assignment.

in social science, a frame is a “schema of interpretation” that allows users to “locate, perceive, identify, and label a seemingly infinite number of concrete occurrences defined in its terms" - what is in the foreground (the frame) is attended to in more detail than what is in the background, and therefore has much higher impact on the choice of action. it is a filter for salience.

in philosophy of science, a paradigm is a logically consistent “portrait” of the world, one that involves no logical contradictions, and that is consistent with observations that are made from the point of view offered by the paradigm.

in social construction of technology, a technological frame (Bijker 1987) is a combination of the explicit theory, tacit knowledge, general engineering practice, cultural values, testing procedures, devices, material networks, and systems used in a community. actors' meanings, including those parts of their strategies that are explicitly articulated- the ways in which they react to and interpret structure, form a part of the frame. so too are relations of which actors are not aware - relations that may be embodied (skills), or that are part of the environment (resources), etc. it is a bridge between structure and action - that predicts how structure may be influenced by action and action by structure.

starting a list of frames here. here's to new world bases!

  • new movement (body knowledge)

  • newness, as in, freedom-from

  • new language - from word-level (new vocabulary) to memeplex-level (new subsystem) to distinct language (new universe)

  • other humans! woah!

[under construction]

[also a side note: there is this strange tension within me between honouring my words as myself versus pure play. some sounds are just so delicious to hold in your mouth and play with, from word-level through conversation-level up to self-level. gosh darn!]

[i also love this exercise of finding different definitions of words from different disciplines]

[your thoughts, here? please gift!]

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