said get in, let's drive


remember that time after the party? in your car. one hand on the steering wheel, the other drumming on your knee. there was a song playing; can't remember it now, but it was slow. i was sitting next to you, seatbelt clipped in. i couldn't focus. couldn't sit straight, think straight. maybe i had too much to drink, but i didn't, i swear. your eyes were focused on the road, and you looked over at me once, maybe twice if i round up. i tried to keep my eyes open, but they kept fluttering closed. i was more tired than i thought and my head felt heavy. my head hit the side window at some point. it sounded like a dull thud. i saw the lights in the periphery, the empty sidewalks, the slick veneer of the gas station open through the night. not a soul would have paid attention to us in the car then, but it felt like everyone was watching me, testing me. and i kept thinking about you, saying your name over and over again in my head like it was the only name i knew. then the car stopped. you eased your foot off the gas pedal and turned off the keys in the ignition. i remember that you didn't say anything, but you didn't ask me to leave either. i remember that.


—excerpt from, "hey, do you need a ride home?"

Published by kelly 5 years ago on Wednesday the 29th of July 2020.

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