to sing a sad song anyway

the conceit of this is that you can take one look at a person and reconstruct who they were in your memory.

there's this myth we tell. we know the ending, but we still tell it. recreate what it meant to us, hope the ending might be different this time. (it's always the same).

so there's this boy named orpheus, an enchanting musician with a gift for melodies, and he even plays the lyre. and there's this girl name eurydice, but we don't know much about her, just that she was beautiful and danced in meadows and deserved so much better.

this is a story about grief, and the subtext is tragedy, and it's the same story we tell and retell. we tell it until we're tired of telling it, about a boy and a girl and a trip to the underworld and one last look. but we do it anyway; let's do it again.

(here's the thing,

to know how it ends,

and still begin to sing it again,

as if it might turn out this time)

Published by kelly 5 years ago on Sunday the 26th of July 2020.

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