Care tips for guys

  • Sleep for 8 hours every night. This is non-negotiable. Do this first before anything else.

  • Don't eat until you're full, eat until you're not hungry anymore. Prioritize fruits, vegetables and legumes; eat less meat, dairy and processed foods.

  • Exercise 2-3 times a week. Can be anything as long as you maintain a heart rate of over 120BPM for about 20 minutes at least.

  • Drink more water than you think you need. In fact, drink some right now.

  • Wash your face every day (after going out, exercise etc) but only with a gentle facial cleanser.

  • Shave only after a hot shower and a face wash.

  • Moisturize your face and body every day after showering. For your face, definitely use moisturizer with an SPF >20 or apply sunscreen after moisturizing.

  • Throw out all your all-in-one body wash/shampoo/conditioner. Get good quality ones for each.

  • Do NOT shampoo more than thrice a week; it's not good for your hair.

  • Exfoliate in the shower and use a face mask about once a week to unclog your pores and cleanse the pollutants of urban life.

  • Talk to your male friends about your emotions and ask them about theirs.

  • Get clothes that fit. Take ones that don't to a tailor for cheap alterations.

  • Cry when you need to. It is normal and healthy as an outlet.

  • Make the time to regularly be idle and think/reflect/introspect.

#1 jim (0)

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