on storytelling + talent

this is something i've struggled with which has recently resurfaced, and i'm getting my thoughts about it down on paper while it's fresh. (this piece of writing will probably change, but i think it's worthwhile to capture the raw honesty at this point in time.) here's the thought:

being a talented storyteller is not exclusive of being deeply technical.

the most amazing companies (i.e. stories—because what are startups if not stories?) were built by humans who are extraordinarily talented at both of these things, who used this skillset to transform technical execution into a story worth telling.

the human spirit does not move mountains and pursue extraordinary things solely because someone sold us equations, novel as they may be. we find our motivation and our inspiration in stories—in the idea of creating and building things of value and the journey that comes along with it.

society has handed down this false dichotomy that these non-technical skills are somehow exclusive of technical talent, and i will admit that i have spent far too much time allowing my own insecurities to convince me that i could be either deeply technical or an excellent storyteller, but not both. sometimes i catch myself telling people that i was a writer before i ever was "a math person," as if i couldn't have been both all along.

this thought is absurd, because some of the people i most admire in this life are technically gifted as well as extraordinary storytellers. these traits—together—are some of the qualities i most enjoy in other people. still, somehow, i didn't know how to reconcile these traits in myself. i'm consciously working on it.

what i really meant to say this morning was: i'm thankful that you recognized the storyteller in me. i also recognize that these traits—technical talent and the gift of storytelling—are also present in each of you, and i am so excited that we get to sharpen this skillset together.

i love stories — write me a twitter dm 🔮✨

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