What's the biggest question you're trying to answer? - 100 Days of Design, Writing & Emotions


Today's another rest day with minimal design work. I'd recommend checking out Screely a website to 'instantly turn your screenshot into a beautiful mockup'.

Screely is a tool I've been using today as I work on capturing snippets from decks, videos and documents from a year long project. It's great for a clean-looking shots of Google sheets, PDFs and proposal docs.



I started a 12-week book reading club for The Artist's Way two days ago. I'm excited. In the opening session, we asked one another: what brought you here?

I'll share my answer:

The biggest question I'm working towards answering is: how can I make the act of creation enjoyable? Or how can I make without being miserable. Overcome the struggling, tortured artists trope. There must be a way to make without suffering, pain and psychological triggering.

I feel good. I feel as if I'm making steady progress towards my goals. Over the last week, I've been listening to my feelings: what do I want to work on next? Instead of forcing myself to do work, I select the next most enjoyable task and work on it.

It's been far more enjoyable to work this way.

On the other hand, I'm still experiencing body pains and will need to take a few hours today to let my arm recover. There are also external life circumstances that are causing me to slow down. Yesterday and today are, therefore, still rest days. Days to be taken slow.


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