inside voice


what if my voice were

a real person

i wonder what they would think of me

i wonder if we would be friends

what if my voice were

a living organism

would they be an exotic bird

flaunting like a seductive peacock

chirp chirp chirp

would they be a spotted chameleon

changing tones as if life depended on it

click click click

i've seen my voice 

shapeshift over the years

into a dazzling array of characters

a play-hard misfit

a pitch-perfect missionary

a pleasure-seeking missile

all dancing at different rhythms

my voice is often loud in places

where it should be quiet

and silent in moments

where it needs to scream

i think it's funny how

the voice in my head

comments, comforts, controls

but i still can't tell you

what i really sound like

i'm learning that

i don't always have to make noise

to be seen

to tell my story

when story and sound

are synonymous, my speech

becomes a Broadway spectacle

each sentence

an orchestra

my voice might not be

a beautiful instrument

but it knows me best

i want to honor it more 

as a beauty mark

Published by Sam (samwong) 1 year ago on Wednesday the 31th of January 2024.

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