medellín medley


in the midst of the burning

we learned that rage and indignation

are allies in the search for a good life

between the turmoil of your days and the convulsion of your nights

we let ourselves be seduced by the enjoyment of the instant

we abandoned the bitterness of the future

and embraced the calm of feeling ourselves in our own nest

thus we dwell and spread out like complicit vermin

and celebrate the rites that continue to conjure our encounter

the dances, the rhymes, the songs, and the graffiti

[Medellín]**, we walked your streets putting our thoughts in motion

Hip and Hop marked our openness to think and watch over our existence

now, more worn out by the hustle and bustle of life

we understand that in the midst of your debauchery

we can impose our own rhythm 

together we dare to the world

on edge

we sow ourselves

with the mud of the hillsides

and so from within

we extend our roots

to fully sustain

and nourish us


“erotic imaginary” via Raúl Gómez Jattín

the garden is quiet

bearing the weight of the evening

of a March that will announce itself as windy

so fleeting it is more like January

penetrated at night

through lemon trees and acacias

distantly opaline

on the forehead of the sky

the garden shudders from within

between dry branches and rotting leaves

doze beetles, dragonflies, and lizards

a lazy malicious cat hunts a butterfly

suddenly an almost invisible mist descends

and rests its shadows on the leaves

caressing the knot of our bodies

in the same infinitely slow delight

with half strength and half fear

kiss your neck and your black crystal beard

the garden is scented with masculine sweat

with the saliva of deep kisses which long

to unleash the torrent of desire at its height

so that saps may flow and bodies relax

Published by Sam (samwong) 2 years ago on Thursday the 26th of January 2023.

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