Dear Reading Supply

Dear Reading Supply,

You have helped me find my voice. When I speak with others nowadays, I notice in myself a newfound confidence and clarity of thought. I trace it back to starting these posts back in December.

I didn't know how transformational writing for others could be -- the high touch, low friction type of writing that Medium was never able to facilitate.

Nor did I know how I would feel, simply by having access to a platform that inspires me to speak my thoughts honestly and elegantly.

Few people know of the existence of my posts here, though that might not always be true. But even if nobody reads these, even if I end up taking these pieces down in the coming weeks and months, I'll have them for myself.

I measure the passing of my life in seasons. I will always remember the untethered season in early 2019 with Reading Supply.


(This really is a letter to Jim, of course.)

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