Courage and generosity of spirit

I spent some time with an old friend today. We met three summers ago, and in the midst our lives have diverged, only to converge again now. In his presence today, I felt permitted to be exactly who I am. It felt effortless. I felt so much love emanating between us during those three hours, love not in the romantic sense but in the shared understanding that mere existence in this world is precious.

When I think about the people who have come into my life lately — old friends and new friends alike — I have nothing but gratitude. This happened in the wake of something that I might have otherwise considered painful. In the aftermath of that event I set the goal to do nothing for the month of January. In doing so, I created space for things to happen to me — extraordinary things.

This friend today helped me remember that I can show up exactly as I am and still be accepted and loved.

Moreover, in his presence I realized that showing up as I am is a form of courage, as well as a form of generosity.

If I hold back, not only am I doing myself a disservice by being untrue to my own identity, I'm depriving the other person of understanding who I am.

I want 2019 to be a year of courage and generosity of spirit.

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