01 Updates from Tiny Factories: Tick tock tick tock! 🕐🕑😇

Tiny Factories is a tribe of indie makers helping each other to ship products. Every two weeks, we send out an update about our project progress. If you'd like to receive this in your inbox, you can subscribe here.


🎤 Weiwei: Hello there! We are now approaching the end of Summer and getting started for our first camp. Two days ago, Tomo arrived in San Francisco to join Will and me in building projects for the next 30 days. Tiny Factories operates on a dream we all share: there is a future where folks can be creatively independent by becoming - what we call - an indiepreneur (lol). So this is the first month where we begin to test out this hypothesis.

Since none of us is a code ninja (not even close), we've been spending the past few weeks learning to code more. I still find my projects to be embarrassing (perhaps because I'm in SF) but hey, I gotta start somewhere, right?

😇 Tiny Gathering ♪(┌|o^▽^o|┘)♪ 

We are organizing a small gathering: If you are interested in computers and are available this Sunday afternoon (Sep 8th 15:00 - 17:30) in San Francisco, join us! 

🚀 Product Launches from us

So we launched several small scale products last month. It's not a significant launch yet but let us show you how we are flexing our shipping muscles! 😅

1.Friend NDA Generator. AKA, frieNDA, lolol : Weiwei & Will

Ever wanted to share a confidential secret? We built an NDA generator for you and your friend's secret 🙊.

Product Hunt this Friend NDA Generator in their newsletter, go check out what they have to say about it: https://www.producthunt.com/newsletter/3107

2.Sheet2Slide : Tomo

Have you ever wanted to make a web-page based presentation?

With Sheet2Slide, you can use Google Sheet to make presentation slides!


💄 🛠 Weekend hackathon + live stream???

Some of us are going to be building a project from scratch this Saturday and Sunday, and we are thinking about live streaming it on Twitch loll: https://www.twitch.tv/tiny_factories

If you are around and need some peer pressure to get a project off the ground, join us this weekend :)

📹 WTF weekly vlog!?

Yah we are doing it. Think Terrace House style but instead of leaving Terrace House with another person, people will leave Tiny Factories with a solid project (hopefully🤞).

Jokes aside, we want to be documenting and sharing an honest journey of building small products. We hope that more people will learn that being an indie maker is a viable career path. Let's see how far we can go with this ;)

We will be uploading a video a week starting from next week, see you on YouTube?

Alrighty, see you in two weeks! Gotta go back to making now 😅

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