first thoughts

First day first shot thinking on reading_supply

#hello #world

Just discovered from Tom Crichow's Staykeen on blogging.


clean interface.

Allows markdown formatting.

This could be an excellent tool for writing in long or short form and distribute text to create chains of ideas linked together.

For instance, this could potentially be an online zettelkasten where small single snippet of ideas can be stored and found and linked with each other to created networked blogs and posts.

So far impressed. Let's see how it unfolds.

The killer feature if you ask me is their graph, implemented in ways that show you how many links your post has and where are they linked, within the ecosystem. This is a potential game changer.

So if this platform can be matured like, that'd be really useful.

➥   Arindam Basu (arinbasu) started this thread 5 years ago 0 responses.

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