Pork Floss Buns 🐷(肉松面包)

Ingredient List:


Topping and inside filling requirements:

  • 6 TBSP Kewpie mayo is better but regular mayo works too!

  • 2 TBSP Condensed milk

  • 1/2 cup to 1 cup of Pork Floss

Optional Topping / Inside:

  • 1 sheet of Seaweed cut up

  • 2 TBSP Sesame seeds

Step 1: Make the Milk Bread

Please see my TangZhong Milk Bread Recipe 

Step 2: Dress the Breads

Make sure the buns are cooled completely before dressing. This is absolutely essential! Otherwise the filling will melt.

Mix the mayo and condensed milk together in a bowl, and then pork floss, seaweed, and sesame seeds in another bowl / plate.

💡 Tip: You can adjust the mayo : condensed milk ratio however you want to make it sweeter or more savory! Also, I don’t add the seaweed and sesame seeds but some people like it.

Cut a slit down the middle of the bread, sometimes I even cut a cross because I want more filling.

Use a knife and spread the mayo condensed milk mixture in. Then spread this mixture on top of the bun.

Turn the bun upside down to coat the bun’s top into the pork floss mixer.

Step 3: Eat it all!

Actually so easy to make and incredibly delicious - perfect balance of sweet and savory. I was addicted to this growing up!

Only dress the buns you intend to eat the same day - I HIGHLY recommend you do not dress them all and then leave them out, because the toppings will get soggy.

Again, you can leave them out in bags at room temperature for 3 days, or store in the freezer for around a month, to reheat at 350F for 10-15 minutes. Not really sure why you wouldn’t eat them all at once!

love, jelca.

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